So, needless to say that after i was satisfied by an initial snooping of the best horsey blogs - I rushed outside to spend some QT with my own horsey who needs it very much. And was rewarded with white winter coat all over my coat (shedding season) ear-splitting whinnies, pawing, and not standing still to be brushed. Oh yeah, I've been procrastinating on separating my herd bound horses since the last time I tried.. and failed. Post on that coming right up.
So not exactly the passion igniting horse time that I was all geared up for, but now my horses are (un)happily separated and well on their way to being able to focus on me the passionate rider, and gaining super horse skills... rather than eachother.
Here is a roundup of my new, most favorite equestrian blogs!
Dappled Grey
I know, they are ugly. I don't care. I don't feel like spending the next hour trying to steal the website header...