I have been riding A LOT and am LOVING IT
-Monty, Flame and Kayna are all in Summerland, and happily so. Monty and Flame have been getting lots of time on the trail and in the arena, and I have had a blast riding them with my new horsey friend Gin. Kayna just recently re-joined the crew as her 'pre-sale trial' fell through, through no fault of her own I am assured, they just decided best not to purchase another horse at all (Whaaaa???? don't want more hayburners in the backyard? unheard of!) One of these days I will photograph them for you. Monty has been an interesting fellow as always, but you wouldn't know becasue I haven't bothered to post about him yet!
While on the trail, I have been closely stalked by a rather large coyote twice! I've never had this happen before, and it is quite unnerving. You can see the big boy (or girl) in the photo above... warning: object in photo is closer than it appears - srsly! the second time it came so close that my friend and I could see the coloration on it's nose! ... and then we called Frank the farmer to come and shoot it... we think it was a miss but will be out there again soon to see if he will rejoin us and... well, we'll call Frank the farmer again.

Spooky accidental photo taken while trying to catch the spooky coyote on film! (I don't want to name him because we're going to 'get' him)
I got to lend some of my 'stuff' to the leading lady of Saige Wisdom for her camping inspired photoshoot last weekend. I tagged along with her on a location scout (the Kettle Valley Railway was perfection), borrowed her some stuff and even hung around for the first part of the shoot to help with styling and kid herding... although that mostly included applying sunscreen and baby holding. photoshoots = FUN/ obsessive compulsive behaviour inducing. I was having some everything must be perfect in every photo moments.
I HATE having to do laundry at the laundrymat. I just spent the ENTIRE day there and still have folding to do.
This is the mountain of laundry that awaits....
And this is how I feel about it....
We are picking up our new puppy, BUSTER Saturday or Sunday... WOOHOOOOOO!!
Here he is at just 3 weeks old
Here's a selection of Axle photos just so he doesn't get jealous...
He has always been a nervous car passenger, until we got Dilbert the Toyota... He LOVES it! most days I'll open the doors and he naps in the back for hours and hours, snuggly and cute!
Ummm... The roof repair project is still a work in progress, but I'm taking photos as I go as though I'm going to blog about it... we'll see!
Also, we're moving to Hope, BC this weekend. Next stop on the road for the paving crew! I'm going to tag along but the horses will stay in Summerland I think. I'll still try to ride them 2-3 times per week.
I've been playing some good pranks on the paving crew, but I'll let you in on the action when I have a chance to get my hands on hub's phone where the photos are currently being held captive.