Thursday, May 31, 2012

Latest and Greatest

So Silvando (still testing) has really been dominating this blog for the last little while eh? Little did you know there is a lot of other shit going on at the moment as well.

 I have been riding A LOT and am LOVING IT

-Monty, Flame and Kayna are all in Summerland, and happily so. Monty and Flame have been getting lots of time on the trail and in the arena, and I have had a blast riding them with my new horsey friend Gin. Kayna just recently re-joined the crew as her 'pre-sale trial' fell through, through no fault of her own I am assured, they just decided best not to purchase another horse at all (Whaaaa???? don't want more hayburners in the backyard? unheard of!) One of these days I will photograph them for you. Monty has been an interesting fellow as always, but you wouldn't know becasue I haven't bothered to post about him yet!

While on the trail, I have been closely stalked by a rather large coyote twice! I've never had this happen before, and it is quite unnerving. You can see the big boy (or girl) in the photo above... warning: object in photo is closer than it appears - srsly! the second time it came so close that my friend and I could see the coloration on it's nose! ... and then we called Frank the farmer to come and shoot it... we think it was a miss but will be out there again soon to see if he will rejoin us and... well, we'll call Frank the farmer again.

 Spooky accidental photo taken while trying to catch the spooky coyote on film! (I don't want to name him because we're going to 'get' him)

I got to lend some of my 'stuff' to the leading lady of Saige Wisdom for her camping inspired photoshoot last weekend. I tagged along with her on a location scout (the Kettle Valley Railway was perfection), borrowed her some stuff and even hung around for the first part of the shoot to help with styling and kid herding... although that mostly included applying sunscreen and baby holding. photoshoots = FUN/ obsessive compulsive behaviour inducing. I was having some everything must be perfect in every photo moments.

I HATE having to do laundry at the laundrymat. I just spent the ENTIRE day there and still have folding to do.

 This is the mountain of laundry that awaits....
 And this is how I feel about it....

We are picking up our new puppy, BUSTER Saturday or Sunday... WOOHOOOOOO!!

Here he is at just 3 weeks old

Isn't he a little spitfire! I have a feeling this one's gonna be a handfull.

Here's a selection of Axle photos just so he doesn't get jealous...

He has always been a nervous car passenger, until we got Dilbert the Toyota... He LOVES it! most days I'll open the doors and he naps in the back for hours and hours, snuggly and cute!

Ummm... The roof repair project is still a work in progress, but I'm taking photos as I go as though I'm going to blog about it... we'll see!

Also, we're moving to Hope, BC this weekend. Next stop on the road for the paving crew! I'm going to tag along but the horses will stay in Summerland I think. I'll still try to ride them 2-3 times per week.
Hope, BC

I've been playing some good pranks on the paving crew, but I'll let you in on the action when I have a chance to get my hands on hub's phone where the photos are currently being held captive. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

New Directions (continued)

So I really left ya on a cliffhanger yesterday. Said I was changing my design plans and didn't tell you about my new inspiration didn't I?

Well it may not surprise you so much as you think. I'm going for a Gypsy theme!!! I am so excited to let my creative inhibitions loose on this one. I've pinned some inspirations and here are a few of them

 yep Silver Gypsy Dancing Bells, 7mm - 50 pc. $4.28, via Etsy. Google Image Result for,!h0E6HY5W2oZBOt1IufWE!~~60_35.JPG 

The transformation is not set to commence immediately, however. We are still dealing with some of the more functional and definitely less enjoyable/clean/odour-free reno projects. Quincy is still at work unclogging the pipes from our grey water tank (the shit literally just keeps coming - you think its clear and blat. more shit). And as for me, today I started to strip the roof of the blotchy, white caulking/sealant that someone haphazardly spread all over the roof of our silvador (just feeling out some names), and will eventually hopefully reach the re-sealing stage - this time with a clear caulking and sealant. good times. You might get a little DIY post on this project in the future, I've taken a few photos and it has definitely been a learn-from-experience-multiple-trips-to-the-store kind of a project!

Until then, enjoy some blogs and a website that I came across while searching for Gypsy inspiration.

    Man in the Maze

My Photo Alison Travels


Ok, this last one is so not related to anything about this post, but I couldn't resist! who researched and wrote and published this article! who?!

Danish Vintage Porn Interiors

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Gypsy Livin' New Directions

danananananananana dananana GLEEEE!

I have been re-inspired re: Avion re-design.

At first, my thinking was to go with a modern, clean look with a little bit of retro splashed in. It seemed like a good fit, what with the metallic exterior and limited space inside - a bit of a minimalist approach would probably be a good idea. The problem is, it's just not me. I've been researching, mulling, dreaming, looking and secret shopping but I am just not getting excited about it and it is actually beginning to stress me out a little, wondering if I can really pull it of and if I will even like it in the end.

These are some of my previous pins - searching for mod/minimalist. Good look, but I am not really loving it!

Airstream   airstream    airstream

And during my other research-searches I found this on the Airstream website

and was even less inspired. Looks nice, but for me it's a resounding womp-womp.

And so after a campfire chat last night with friends about the 'character' of the Avion (still looking for a name) and the appropriateness of haphazard strings of Christmas lights and the like I decided that modern is just not the way to go.

Sleek and modern = shiny, uniform and perfect, which this little Avion simply is not. It's like that scratch/dent appliance you bought. You feel really good about it because you got it for a great deal, and the dent(s) is really not that bad, but... it has a dent. And on something like this the dent just seems to add to the Avion connection. It would be difficult to restore the exterior to mint cond-ish (I did some forum searches and it sounds like you've got to find parts from other old trailers of the same model = difficult and expensive).  Also, it feels like if you did invest in the restore, he just wouldn't feel right anymore. It's almost like you couldn't name him because he would no longer be a he, but an it without a personality, energy, feeling or character, and pardon me but at present this Avion exudes all of those things to me.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Landcruiser Sighting!

While scrolling through the latest and greatest of Poppytalk this sunny am. I came upon this post and it was so exciting!

Mostly  Only because of this photo:
Poppytalk: Summer in Stripes - New Hudson's Bay Company

I Looove my Land Cruiser, Ruby so much! lately we have been advertising her for sale, but every day I am convinced more and more to keep her in the family. There'll never be another one like her, and everyone that has called and been interested in buying her 'used to have one years ago and was so sad to sell it.' I don't want to be that 62 year old guy jealously calling a Land Cruiser owner hoping in vain that I could have one too. It just wouldn't be pretty, the receding hairline, chinos and plaid button up tee.... such an outfit would be so the wrong way to dress my figure.

And so now I must keep my Ruby and I am so in love with the Hudson's bay photo that I want a photo shoot of my own land cruiser all styled and looking awesome and shit.