Anyways, the two of us, half unpacked boxes, dog and bike are feeling a little cramped. I've become obsessed with finding the perfect solution to an indoor-outdoor living space solution that works for us, especially since we are going to be picking up a new puppy next weekend. Yep, I've heard the words "you" and "crazy" mentioned in the same sentence a few times in the last week or two (or 20 years?)
Wait... I think my mind's about to be blown...
Yep, I've heard the words "you" and "crazy" mentioned in the same sentence a few times in the last
That was awesome.. I always knew you could do that, and that it must be simple but was too lazy to go searching for the solution. Hence the bracketed phrases found throughout the beginnings of this blog. Unfortunately while typing version two I was inspired to try version three which can be found below.
Yep, I've heard the words "you" and "crazy" mentioned in the same sentence a few times in the last week or two or twenty years.
Third time's a charm I'm thinking. Consider that one the official choice of phrase for this post. Also, get ready for some blatant overuse and overenjoyment of the line through words that you should say until you decide to take it a step further. How did I miss that little button a the top of the page clearly displaying it's function for so long?
But I digress (I've always wanted to say that in a conversation becasue it's so nerdy and pretentious but never had the chance)... back to the awning.
I started secretly plotting a way to remedy this situation a few days ago when I took an enormous heavy duty tarp that I used for a previous project out of storage. Quincy had been urging me not to take action on the awning issue until we had settled in and sorted out some of the other little problems that we are experiencing with the camper. Fortunately for me, my mind is capable of multitasking the problem solving. Anyways, I digress...
I walked through the front door and couldn't believe my eyes.
this is one of the real deals |
They had variations of the accordion type patio gazebo on display and I just knew that this was perfect. They are super easy to set up, relatively durable and definitely portable. I looked over some of the options and started mulling over issues like size, price range and of course colour. Their cheapest/simplest one was on sale fir $119 and they went up from there to the $300-$400 range but with a steel frame etc etc. . And theeeennn I found gazebos with mosquito netting and privacy screens and it was just like on the intro to The Simpsons where the title page comes through the clouds and you hear aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAH Thuuuuuu Simmmmmmpsoooooonssss... except with out the The Simpsons part.
This is so perfect. It means no tying up Axle and puppy, bike locked outside, and we can block unwanted neighbour peeping. The problem, they come as 10x10 or 20x20... 20' is much too wide for a campsite to bear and 10' is good but kind of depressingly small considering that this is supposed to be perfect in every way. So, after reviewing the merchandise, I continued on to the Home Depot to check out their stock... and sitting in the parking lot I saw...
aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAH Thuuuuuuu.......
A portable/temporary carport set up with clearance items for sale. 10' x 20' with a canopy and sturdy frame. It just gets better and better folks. After some investigation, I learned that they don't sell them but just have one for events, wouldn't sell me the one they have and had the same selection of gazebos as Canadian Tire. Well, now I had my sights set on something. While the carport was the PERFECT size, it was without the easy setup and dismantle, and also lacked in the bug screen department. Walmart next I'm sorry to say.
Walmart, those sneaky buggers had the canopies for the gazebos packaged seperately from the gazebos themselves so that the customer is actually making 2 purchases... I guess if you are just looking for a replacement canopy this is not a bad thing. Anyways this story is getting alarmingly long.
I went there and found this
It's perfect in every way. 10' x 20', netting, accordion style setup. Also, it's under $300 (I can't remember the specifics) and it looks nice. I was hoping for black or grey and this is more of a greige (see what I did there? word combo = awesome). I am going to buy one in the near future (we are moving to Hope, BC next week and will likely purchase it then rather than set up now dismantle and set up again).
It was made even more perfect when I went to an RV supply store to purchase roof sealer and asked for a quote on a real camper awning... Oh, we could get one alright to the tune of $1300 and still have to create an enclosure for the dogs, bike and deal with the lack of headroom... We're big people, ok?
Case of the wanted awning: CLOSED.
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