Friday, June 29, 2012

Laundry Love

 LG WM3455HW Combo 

Ok, so aside from wanting the horrible odour from our grey water tank to stop wafting into the trailer, I also want this for our aluminum abode...

Yep, it's a washer. And a dryer. In ONE machine. How have I never heard of this before? I'm thinking about it every single day... also, It's designed  to fit in closets. How much more perfect can it get? I''ll tell ya, cheaper. haha For $2700 I'm not sure I'll be seeing one in my small sized living space any time soon. That's like, 1/2 the cost of the living space. Me thinks we have other priorities... like the previously mentioned venting issue.

I discovered the magic while dreamily jealously obsessing over this couple's airstream makeover photo album... I could soooo enjoy living in their unit, and would LOVE to copy them in every way. And after spending half my day at Hope's laundrymat/chineese food joint this beauty solution is at the top of my list!

!!!!!!!! Laundry Room by peterjschweitzer, via Flickr Bathroom and Bedroom, via Flickr. Entry Way by peterjschweitzer, via Flickr

Kristin Stewart Sucks

The man and I went to the lil' Hope movie theater on Tuesday and watched Snow White and the Huntsman.
 She just ruins everything for me. I'm sorry, but she is definitely not the fairest of them all, with her big chin (not to mention the rest of her bone structure), gramice/smile and scowling face. It was just totally bazarre because they kept doing these shots of Charlize Theron's (she by the way was amazing... basically played a paranoid schizophrenic off meds with great outfits. Took me right back to my days of working in residential treatment for youth with just that diagnosis) face , and then to Kristin Stewart's... NO comparison. It was like beautiful movie star to gremlin with lipstick on. Her sweet and innocent smiles just looked painful!

She was doing the 3 word sentence thing throughout the movie, and the one place where she had a 'war charge motivaiton speech' she was basically just yelling at her subjects and getting mad at them.  It seemed like she was trying not to do the grunting thing that she does in every movie which resulted in some awkward silences where I think I could see her poo face. No thanks.

And could they please have let her bathe at some point in the movie? It's pretty hard for anyone to look pretty with greasy dirty hair that is tangled to shit. 

To be fair, I did enjoy that Joan Jett movie she did... where basically she was drunk or hungover and it was appropriate for her not to string together a whole sentence and grunt all the time.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oh, Hey there etsy. Ya, I sure did take your taste test. It's broken.

what's with the props, sunglasses, bikes and asian tshirts? I was going for vintage/handmade in this (the third) taste test and this is what you come up with?!

Monday, June 25, 2012

This is why i'm broke...

thisiswhyimbroke. No typo, it's a website! I window shop here every once in a blue moon because it's a really great collection of the most random and awesome stuff. While procrastinating getting up on the roof of the trailer to (hopefully) finish my project I popped over there to see if there was anything new for me to imagine purchasing. At first I was thinking... lame! I've seen all of this stuff before. And then I kept scrolling, and scrolling and scrolling. It would be cool to own all of the junk on here, I totally love the zombie gnomes, linnens etc but feel that if you are going to go zombie, you should go all the way. There was also a really cool hanging tent, but a little out of my price range.

Here is the plethora of stuff that I rightclick/openinnewtab-ed thinking "yeah, I might even buy this"


This light-up-leash is a great idea. A few years ago there was more than one pedestrean death due to darkness in my neighbourhood. I confess to not walking after dark because I was afraid of cars! ... and zombies. Do you think that if I got one for my mother in law she would stop wearing her XL construction safety vest all the time!? - she's 5'2 people.
$25.99 is a-ok with me!

Heat Sensitive iPhone Backing

 Heat Sensitive iPhone 4/4S Backing

I will need the phone first (not gonna happen) but I think this is muy cool. Perhaps a little giftie for my hubby who does have the phone?
At $11.99 this is a good one for an internet shopping commitment-phobe like me.

Evil Fortune Cookies

Har har... this is the evil bitch coming out in me... anyone want to come over for chineese??
Enjoy the hilarity for just $9.99

The Hungover Cookbook

The Hungover Cookbook

The value is self explanatory and for $8.00 it is just plain a good idea.

 Pet Peek (love the name)

Pet Peek (Pet Fence Window)

Ok, so now were getting into the "if I had a house with a fenced yard" territory, but seriously. If I had a house with a fenced yard I would have one of these... or two. Unfortunately out of stock on Amazon, and no price point available.

Gama-Go Zombie Family Car Vinyl Sticker Decals

Gama-Go Zombie Family Car Vinyl Sticker Decals

For $10.27 a great way to enjoy a little zombie lovin

Dexter Blood Spattered Coasters

 This one's actually inspired by my friend Sara who recently blog-fessed her love of Dexter. Considering they come with 'your very own Dexter treasure box' I think that's $19.99 well spent.

But of course realizing that purchasing all of these things would take me to the $100.00 range plus shipping has strangled my impulse to buy (let's not talk about the clutter going on in the camper right now... although it's deterrant power is overwhelming as well).

Maybe after a little house clean and my next allowance collection I'll get my paypal password renewed and GO FOR IT

(every single time, I forget my paypal password... without fail every single fucking time!)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Obsessions (for real this time)

OK the last time I tried this I got a little long winded.....  Lets not do that again shall we?

1. Read all about it in this post... if you can last through it all. Hey, at least I added two images (crappy ones)

2. Was Archer, is now Game of Thrones... except that I just finished season 2   soooooooooo...

I've been sick. Excessive show watching is allowed.  

3. puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy
                          My puppy doesn't have that puppy smell anymore :( can I get another one?

                 This photo really cracks me up. It's a product of the failed fake photoshoot of last week.

4. Healthy food recipes. This is directly related to the fact that I have had 1 alien-mutant virus and 1 knock you off your feet for a week virus in a span of 3.5 - 4 weeks. The suspected cause - a sense of entitlement I have to 'indulging' in drive through fast food joints while on 'roadies' (road trips, but a little more risque (in name only, unfortunately)). I have put 15000 miles on my(our) truck since my hubby bought it for me(us) 4 months ago. This equation equals a LOT of fast food intake.
Find some good food here. I followed this blog a while back, for some reason it fell off my radar and I recently rediscovered it and am liking what I'm reading.

But don't let that fool you,  I haven't actually made any of the meals, I just look at the pictures and then go grocery shopping and focus on the fruits and vegetables and lean meats. Tonight I made a marinated chicken salad-ey thing with diced veggies, lemon juice, plain no fat yoghurt (no trendy/fatty greek style for me!) and dill. Kind of Greek.

5. I discovered this blog today via this daily read. Yo me gusta.

6. Are you ready for my Etsy find and the true inspiration behind this obsessions post?!
to tell you the truth, I wasn't even going to do the 'Etsy' thing. Competition makes me feel... uncompetitive and let's be serious. It's a frickin gladiator ring out there. Good job on the awesome giveaway Sar! But then I thought, well no harm in mosey-ing on over, it's been a while since I had a good snoop through the Etsy treasuries. And one thing led to another, and then it led me to this...

Raw Amethyst and Gold Necklace

I found this little beauty at Clementine , a shop that I've ooh-ed and ahh-ed over more than once. 
Obvious favorite add and obsessive thoughts of. I fell in love with rough-style gemstones jewelery like... almost 2 years ago in a nice big beautiful mall full of beautiful things to buy buy buy! Unfortunately, I haven't come across any in the Okanagan and when I'm in the 'big city' (Calgary) I am too busy visiting family, or visiting drinking with friends, or being hungover to devote my attentions to beautiful trinkets like this. 
speaking of which, I am waaaay overdue for a drunken dispatch - my fav way to blog! soon my friend, soon... I'm just afraid that if I get drunk I'll forget to blow my nose and the disgustingness will just ooze down my face like a baby. Yep, still got that cold virus.

Anyways, at almost $50, it is something that I would probably not spring for for myself (I've got other splurges in mind yo... like a new saddle for my too-expensive horses.. see #1) but I would surely treasure and wear this beauty day and night... yes nighttime parties, and to pajama parties alike.

and here's your button!
{ SaigeWisdom }

An interesting discovery (and failed obsessions post)

hmm... first a confession/obsession? I've just gotta get this out there.

I went to the walk in clinic two weeks ago because I thought that I was having a reaction to a prescription - headache for 1.5 weeks, wierd contracting/tightening in my trachea (yep, I googled that. See below for diagram) whenever I swallowed and sometimes at random, and something else wierd I just can't remember what anymore because it didn't seem life threatening. Anyways, I beeboped in there....

oh yea, I remember the other symptom. I became an idiot! Here is just 1 of the many examples of my experience... I left Hope, BC to drive 3 hours to West Kelowna - missed the well marked turn off and arrived at my destination 10 HOURS LATE. Yep, It took me over an hour to realize that I had gone off course, and it seemed like a better idea to take the long loop than to turn around and backtrack so that I could get some errands done - one of them being go to the walk-in -clinic!

So it seems like it was the trachea but basically the feeling was a tightening right in-between my boobs breasts.

Ok so I beeboped into the downtown primary care clinic - which, for those who are unaware (which is nobody because Sara, you are the only one that reads this and you are very aware - mostly this is just for future reference) is intended to serve the more. hmm shall I say 'transient' of the North Okanagan population. Anyways, I chose to go there because I had worked for the agency overseeing the admin. for the clinic for a few years, and had been in with clients many a time, but never as a patinet myself. There was NEVER a wait, and obviously I was running late, and it would give me a chance to say a quick hi to the receptionist and nurse practitioner.

I popped in wearing a pair of jeans that I had blown the knee in a week before (but not really caring because the plan was to go horseback riding, change and then do my errands) and some kind of disgusting shirt, no makeup (well hello ACNE), and my hair tied in a rats nest behind my head. No biggie, I know people here. I walk in, chat up the receptionist, inform her that I am unemployed, following Quincy around BC where he will be paving highways for the summer, we purchased an     O L D camper to live in that had septic problems and has a leaking roof etc etc.

HAH check that out 
Teaser for an upcoming roofing post!

Then, my former office-mate and mother hen walks in and says hi, gives me a big hug and tsk tsks at all of my wierd stories.

Then the doctor (I landed on a doctor day!) - who's office door has been open through all of this - is ready to see me. So I sit in the room for a minute and when she comes in start to tell her all about my symptoms, concerns, google searches etc etc and for the first time in my life (I think) she is kind of arguing with me. She was very polite and nice and hands down knows more about this stuff than I do but it was just... weird. Anyways, we go over the situation, some points more than once because I was clear on what I wanted out of this and I stuck to my guns. She figures I just have a virus and will have to wait for the battle raging inside of me to be won (I added the raging battle part). Then I walked outta there and get back on that highway, I still had some miles to go before reaching my destination!

And then it hits me. She didn't want to give me a referral to a specialist becasue she wasn't sure they would even be able to get ahold of me... I had to reassure her that I am in the Okanagan area frequently and that I would really like the referral. Yes, better to do it today - why wait. Please. Also, somehow the fact that I have horses came up. She looked up from her notepad with wide eyes and said - with more expression than I'll illustrate with capslock "How can you afford to have horses?!" and I humbly explained that I was renting a place and the board was free, then I moved and now my poor husband is paying and I am keeping them with friends and blah blah. I mean, horses are expensive for anyone to keep right? And she just kind of looked back at her notepad and we wrapped it up.

So it wasn't until I was almost at the end of my very long day of driving that I realized... She thought I WAS A 'TRANSIENT'!!!!

I was acting like a regular at the clinic, had to change my address, shitty clothes, came in with the breeze unexpectedly, having life threatening side-effect paranoia and was just really unhealthy.

HAH that was quite something. So now I'm obsessed with taking a masters degree and researching the communication style/attentiveness to expressed needs between doctors and patients from different economic demographics. Not to say that this doctor was rude, or non caring, but I felt like I had to fight a little bit to be heard and to get what I thought I needed. For people with problems with authority, lower education (professional communication skills), addictions and a plethora of life stressors this is a huge turn-off and reason not to participate in the health care system. And these are those who need the most health care of all.

Obsession: Thesis topic

Too bad I can't afford a masters degree.

Also too bad this turned into an entire post, and not an entire obsessions post at that.

Also too bad I would never in a million years have the lasting power to write an entire thesis paper.

You are reading from a girl who regularly began her 20 pagers in uni the night before they were due... late afternoon if it was a morning class (I had a bad experience once)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ketchup Catchup

This really has nothing to do with Ketchup other than my undying love for Heinz.

That said, it's time to catch this little blog up as it seems I have been absent for a period of 10 + days. oopsie.

Went to Summerland with both doggies, got over a virus, extended my stay, drove to Revelstoke with 2 horses in tow, drove home to Hope sans - horses (was soo great to be 'home'), tried to do a puppy photoshoot with a horribly unparticipatory husband, worked some on the roof of the trailer, waiting for the next rainfall to see if it is fixed, caught another virus, wallowed in bed for 2 days watching Archer, cuddled the shit out of my dogs. I'm finding it oddly satisfying to have two boys fighting for my attention, albeit they are covered in fur... plenty of ear scratches to go around, boys. 

 I had have big plans to give you a tour around Hope and this is one of the photos we took to illustrate the town's awesomeness
 Pretty much every photo from my fake photoshoot is over or unerexposed (that's what you get for trying to be hardcore with your manual settings and everywhere the dogs go is one lighting extreme to the next.. fail. ) and has some body part of Quincy's in it. He was sooo not interested in what I was doing he did not hear my repeated shouting for him to get out of the picture. SHOUTING people.

This show has me laughing out loud in every episode, in a tasteless humor and horrible person kind of way but I love it.