That said, it's time to catch this little blog up as it seems I have been absent for a period of 10 + days. oopsie.
Went to Summerland with both doggies, got over a virus, extended my stay, drove to Revelstoke with 2 horses in tow, drove home to Hope sans - horses (was soo great to be 'home'), tried to do a puppy photoshoot with a horribly unparticipatory husband, worked some on the roof of the trailer, waiting for the next rainfall to see if it is fixed, caught another virus, wallowed in bed for 2 days watching Archer, cuddled the shit out of my dogs. I'm finding it oddly satisfying to have two boys fighting for my attention, albeit they are covered in fur... plenty of ear scratches to go around, boys.
I had have big plans to give you a tour around Hope and this is one of the photos we took to illustrate the town's awesomeness
Pretty much every photo from my fake photoshoot is over or unerexposed (that's what you get for trying to be hardcore with your manual settings and everywhere the dogs go is one lighting extreme to the next.. fail. ) and has some body part of Quincy's in it. He was sooo not interested in what I was doing he did not hear my repeated shouting for him to get out of the picture. SHOUTING people.
This show has me laughing out loud in every episode, in a tasteless humor and horrible person kind of way but I love it.
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